Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Big things that should be small

I slept late today so i had to get the bus. The bus stop is right next to a green-grocers and on the display outside there were some grapes. I was transfixed by them as i have never seen such huge grapes. They were the size of small plums! But i got to staring at them so much that i started to think maybe the other fruits areound them were just extra small, and that the shop was small and the bus stop was a little smaller than normal, until the whole world was just tiny and the grapes were the only normal sized thing!

This happens everytime i look at something that is larger than normal.


Blogger Hostess with the Mostest said...

I used to have a recurring dream about big hands, and hands being totally out of proportion to everything else in the world. I'm sure there's some underlying message there, but I haven't had the dream for a while so I guess whatever it is isn't a problem anymore!

11:41 am  

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